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Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 9/10/19

Here's the audio of my chat earlier today withBryan Hyde, who hosts the Loving Liberty show in Utah! . . . Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or anything else? Click...

Why Can’t I Have This?

A reader asks me why he can't have a Mahindra Roxor - which is basically a Jeep CJ/Wrangler 4x4 that costs half as much as a new Wrangler. One's legal to...

Another Glendale HUT! HUT! HUTTING!

Glendale, Arizona appears to attract particularly vicious armed government workers. It is the city in which a man was infamously Tasered in his crotch (see here) over a made-up traffic infraction...

Chinless Mongoloid AGW Convicted of Assault

An armed government worker has actually been convicted of assault... despite the best efforts of the system to prevent it. Michael Sippel is - was - an armed government worker who Hut!...

The Orange Car Guy

Some people are single issue voters; if a candidate is in line with them on guns, for instance, they’ll support that candidate even if on other topics they’re as far apart...

AGW is “Paid to Find Out Who’s in Town”

Here's video of an encounter with an ancient but still dangerous (because armed and with a license to kill) AGW who accosts a guy riding a bicycle and demands ID, announcing...

You’re in Good Hands With Elon

Imagine if your insurance company knew about it immediately every time you drove faster than any speed limit, anywhere. That you failed to come to a complete dead stop at every...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show (KMED Oregon) 9/4/19

Here's the audio of yesterday's segment on Bill Meyer's show!  

Arrivederci Autopsy

The truth gets out every now and then - not that many are paying attention. And the truth behind Fiat’s slow-motion exit-stage-left from the North American car market is that Americans...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 9/3/19

Here's the audio of my appearance earlier today on Bryan Hyde's Loving Liberty show in Utah!
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