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Seepage Part II

EVs have a seepage problem. They lose charge (and so, range) when they're not in use, if they're not plugged in while they're not in use. It is a problem I've personally experienced...

Diaper Report: 6/19/22

How desperately do some people cling to their Face Diapers? How about the college-age guy I regularly see at the gym where I work out. He is just about the only...

Ode to Brine

It's a problem that there are so many old cars - and trucks - still on the road. Well, it's a problem for those who want very much to get you...

Some Advice for Eliza

There is an article on Substack making the rounds about a young woman named Eliza who - per the headline of the article - apparently believes that "work harder just doesn't...

The Dangers of Licensing

Many people think that licensing professions - medicine, for instance - is a sound idea because it reduces quackery.  Well, so much for that, eh?  Consider the contrary alternative - as applied to...

Return of the Stout?

If something doesn't sell, don't keep making it. If something does sell, make more of it. This used to be understood by people in the business of selling things - including cars...

Cattle in Revolt!

Here's video of an ear-tagged me on an expedition to a local supermarket - Fresh Market - where there is a "masks mandatory" policy, which I refused to obey, along with...

Talk to the Hand

Many people dislike dealing with car salesmen - who are sometimes pushy and sometimes shifty. But will they like it better when they're replaced by AI "chatbots"? Imagine it. Instead of dealing with...

Elon’s “Dirty” Secret

The EV con rests on multiple cons, including the assertion that EVs are "zero emissions" - which is a con because they aren't. And because the "emissions" at issue aren't, either. Unless you...

Anticipating Government

You may have wondered why it is that every 2024 model year vehicle - as in all of them - comes standard with a slew of "driver assistance technologies," always marketed...
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