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Making “Investments” in EVs

The verbiage is interesting. As the country relies ever more on force to coerce, it resorts to soft language to hide what is going on. For example, this news story about what...

Cash for Clunkers II…

Cash for Clunkers “stimulated” demand for new cars in the manner of digging holes - and then filling them up again. It reduced the available supply of good used cars -...

The Internet of Roads

They used to say the walls have ears. Soon, the road will have brains. Well, they’ll be connected to one brain - not yours. They call it “smart pavement.” Everything is smart...

If We Want Your Money, We’ll Take Your Money…

We live in a Deliverance nation. If the government wants your money, they'll take your money - simple as that. Rustem Kazazi, 64, was recently relieved of his life savings - $58,100...

What Killed Chrysler?

The news may come today - but it won’t be a surprise: Chrysler’s going the way of Plymouth. Maybe Dodge, too. They are not right for the times and it would...

The Disposable Truck

Trucks continue to get bigger - what buyers seem to want - while their engines get smaller, which is effectively a function of what the government demands, as the downsizing of...

Dangerous New Car Features

New cars have become so “safe” they’re becoming dangerous. They have systems which make an accident more likely - while touting how much more crashworthy they are now vs. previously. Arguably, the...

Carburetors and Battlestar Galactica

If you're a fan of the rebooted Battlestar Galactica series, you will remember what made it possible for the Galactica to escape the Cylon attack which destroyed the rest of the...

Elon’s Undoing

The death of the perpetually tardy Model 3 may ultimately have less to do with it being an overpriced electric car than with something even more lethal to its chances ....

It’s Not Just Uncle

Uncle - his mandates and fatwas -  have without doubt made new cars (and trucks) more expensive. But then, so have we.   By choosing to sign up for more car than we...
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