
2020 Fiat 500L

If you ever wanted to buy a new Fiat  . . . without going to Italy - this may be your last chance. Fiat isn’t doing well - because small cars (which...

Origins Story

A reader brings up the question about this site's mascot icon. What does it represent? What does it mean? I have answered query this before, but it bears answering again because...

When They Flip the Switch

Imagine the lights to everyone’s home controlled by a single switch - under the control of someone else. This is a good - because accurate - way to understand the control...

A Visit to the Vet’s . . .

Pets have no say about getting vaccinated - and “fixed.” Their owners decide such things. It is the natural order of things. Of course, they are animals, without the capacity to...

The New Service Schedule

Every car has a service schedule - based on miles or months, whichever occurs first. Something else may occur first, though - like a “peaceful” protest in your town. Or a...

Why I Won’t This Time

People ask - what can they do? It seems everywhere you go, Diapering is demanded as the price of being permitted to live. You are told you may not enter a grocery...

2020 BMW Z4

Some things go together like bagels and cream cheese - and sports cars and manual transmissions. As a rule, sports cars used to come standard with manuals - and often didn’t...

No Change on the Way to No Cash

When people are terrified, it is hard for them to think - which probably explains why they seem unable to now. Can it possibly be a coincidence that as the number...

To Shift For Oneself?

Leaving aside the fun, is there a stronger argument to be made for the manual transmission vs. the automatic? It depends on your perspective. There is inherent simplicity, certainly. A modern manual transmission isn’t...

The Pressure to Diaper, Dissipated

I just got pressured to Diaper by one of the barristas at the coffee shop where I go almost every day to  . . . get coffee and peck at my...
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