
Tickets/Driving Stuff

Anything related to speeding tickets, driving & stuff like that.

Slow’s the Word

What is the common denominator that accounts for almost all bad driving? It is arguably the passivity-fearfulness that’s been drilled into so many American drivers - who were taught that “good...

DMV “points” for non-moving violations?

Many drivers are unaware that state DMVs now assign "points" for more than just moving violations. In Virginia and Maryland, for example one can get points - as well as a beefy...

No More Cop Cars

Five years or so from now, there may be no more cop cars. Vehicles used by cops, certainly. But not cars. These are being retired - in the Bladerunner taking-care-of-the-Replicants sense. Ford...

Perils of the Part-Time Driver

Big Brother has been riding shotgun for years, but he’s never been able to actually watch what we do in our cars. That’s about to change. He'll soon be able to tell whether we're...

It’s Not Just the Time that Changed!

This is the time of year when we’re forced to reset our clocks - Daylight Savings Time. There’s something else that needs re-setting, too. Our frames of reference for cars. Let me explain...

Won’t Pull Forward Clover

Here's some footage of the Won't Pull Forward Clover. This is the Clover who, when approaching a red light (or sidling into a turn lane at an intersection) leaves a huge gap...

Viewed from the Proper Angle

Speed limits are as much about saaaaaaaaafety as George W. Bush's invasion of Poland - whoops, Iraq - was about (beady-eyed squint into the camera) "weapons of mass destruction." This is easily...

Prius Clover (And Other Stuff)

I know. It's an oxymoron. Prius drivers are almost always Clovers. But not because of the car. Because of how they drive. And not because they drive slowly. That's ok - not Cloverish. As such. The...

“Concern” in the Wrong Quarter

Clearly, pedestrians and bicyclists are unsafe and must be banned - or least, fatwa’d. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - an apparat of the federal government that by some ineffable self-accretion...

Bad Boy!

When I leave my gym, there's a red light at the intersection that literally takes five minutes to change. Often, it will skip the green arrow for people waiting to make...
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