The New Cold War


It is said that “war is the health of the state.”  Because government’s goal is always to grow in size, influence and power there is a need for constant war to justify its continuous and infectous propagation.

war is the health of the state

A Cold War that has been going on for years, became clearly visible to me yesterday (while describing the events in Nevada to a few friends that were new to the developments there).  The Cold War I am referring to is not the one with Putin’s Russia over issues such as Syria or Crimea or between the US government and all the brown skinned terrorists hiding under our beds hating us for our freedom.  It is between the US Government and the American people who seek true freedom, sovereignty along with a constitutional and restrained government.

Arms Buildup:

The US government has been stockpiling ammo for years.  The Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about is one of the most powerful groups in the US.  The alternate media has been calling them on it but the captured mainstream media rarely mention it.  These ammo purchases would not seem ludicrous at face value because practice ammo is constantly needed for training and qualification but the fact that they are buying hollow points and the quantity is in the billions (HERE) is what is problematic.  Either they are wasting money by shooting paper with HP’s, they are driving the price of ammo up to keep it out of our hands, or they don’t intend to be shooting paper.

The truth is likely (d) all of the above; the paper targets purchased by some departments that depict children, elderly and even pregnant mothers as the “threats” tell us a lot.  No More Hesitation targets pictured below (story HERE).

government targets

Small arms is only the tip of the iceberg.  It his becoming commonplace for towns of only a few thousand residents to have thier police department receive a free MRAP from the Federal Government.  These rolling mine resistant armored cars will be used to pacify the disorderly conduct of an uppity citizenry.  Seeing something like this just makes you feel safe, doesn’t it?

police mraps

On the other side, Obama can officially depict himself as firearms salesman of the decade (HERE).

obama gun salesman of hte year

Since he was elected, nearly every year there has been a new record for the number of background checks and firearms purchases only to be exceeded and a new record set the following year.  Even when prices skyrocketed after the Aurora Theater Shooting and Sandy Hook Tragedy, sales of AR-15’s, P-Mags, 5.56, AK-47’s, 7.62 have been very strong.  People who aren’t even fans of firearms are recognizing the need for them.  It is common for people I know aren’t gun enthusiasts asking me for recommendations.  People are stockpiling ammo and learning to reload their own.  The BLM fiasco at the Bundy Ranch was a stark reminder that there are militia in this country that are very serious about preparation and their convictions.

militia man in nevada


With the various despicable alphabet agencies like the CIA, DHS and NSA we all knew the government was spying on us and violating the law/rules set forth by the 4th ammendment.  Illegal searches, warrantless home entries, porno body scanners have all become acceptable because of the War on Terror and the War on (some)Drugs.  Our emails are scanned, our phone conversations and texts are catalogued and stored.  But we are told not to worry because it is just the metadata and its for our own good.  The scale and structure was not fully understood by many non-red-pill taking Americans until Edward Snowden courageously released this information in detail.  There are many sheeple who are opening their eyes a little bit more each day.

Edward Snowden work for the beast only to realize the US government isn’t fighting evil empires, they are the evil empire.  Then there are those like Aaron Schwartz who help provide the spread of free information.  Former servicemen like Bradley Manning who take the information our owners have collected and hand it over to someone like Assange who will see to it that it is available for the world to see.  The life of a spy is often short and painful; the inevitable end willl probably include jail, torture and even execution after years of running, hiding and looking over ones shoulder.

My understanding is that espionage means giving secret or classified information to the enemy. Since Snowden shared information with the American people, his indictment for espionage could reveal (or confirm) that the US Government views you and me as the enemy.       ~Ron Paul~


People are having a rough go at it, inflation adjusted income for the average person is the lowest in decades and the credit orgy isn’t as appealing to many as it was prior to 2007.  The issue isn’t that the US government isn’t doing enough to help, it’s that it is doing so much to hinder the people who want to be free.  Websites like The Burning Platform and Eric Peter’s Autos are bullied out of existence by the Google arm of the Feds for telling the truth and opening the minds of readers.  They literally create regulations and rules to simply act as cement loafers so that those treading water expend so much energy just trying to stay afloat.  People are so exhausted from this that they don’t have time to read and think critically; this is not an accident.

Soon the most profitable US business will be the company that mass produces Closed and Out Of Business signs.

out of business

Unlike during the first half of the 20th century, new automotive companies sprouting up are a rarity; except when they tout the “green energy/electric car” line that includes subsidies from big government.  Decades ago there was innovation because smart people of average means figured out better ways to do things and went at it on their own to create wealth.  Now those same people need billions of dollars (or the connections with politicians) just to get started.  Legitimate loans are often hard to acquire for these people.    The emissions and safety standards just to enter the market are motivation killers.  The road blocks are literally so tall these people end up working for the monster corporations like GM who knowlingly continue to produce crappy products that cause deaths.

A perfect example of another affected industry is Healthcare.  Obama-care is like a cluster timebomb going off every few seconds until the foreseeable future.  Dictating the rules that affect your life by a group sackless bureaucrats.

government created problems

This lack of innovation and over-regulation occurs in nearly all markets that actually produce a good.  The agriculture industry is being destroyed while corporations like Monsanto grow exponentially.  Somehow the merger between Time Warner and Comcast will go through and the service provided by this cable monster will actually get worse (one should just cancel their cable anyway) while the price increases.  We should not wonder why jobs creating and producing useful products have been steadily run out of America while the few remaining products are produced by the largest possible corporations with tendrils in the government.

Border Disputes:

The recent Clive Bundy vs BLM incident is a perfect example of a border dispute.  Private property rights, rule of law and respect of contracts are necessary for legitimate borders and peace.  None of those things exist anymore.  The BLM claims the land around Bundy’s ranch and demands grazing fees while not maintaining the land themselves and regulating the number of cattle he is allowed to have down to unprofitable quantities.  But it is totally legal because a Federal Court ruled that the Federal Government is the rightful owner of the land; sounds legit to me (sic).  Their goal is to regulate him out of business so they can either confiscate or outright buy it up from him just as they have done to the other 50 ranchers that are no longer in that area.  This is literally a recreation of Ayn Rand’s Atlast Shrugged.

Bundy didn’t play ball and wouldn’t pay the fees so the feds stole his cattle and tried to fence it over in Utah.  They ended up SOL when Utah refused to deal with stolen property.  The people literally marched on the Feds position under threat of murder until the BLM backed down.

I don’t want to romanticize and hollywood-up this incident but it reminded me of the crowd of protestors marching past the blockades in V for Vendetta.

All taxes are theft but school/property taxes are one of the more despicable taxes, they essentially turn every (supposed) homeowner/landowner into a renter.  Regardless of any good they might do they are evil for the sheer fact that they have destroyed the idea of true property rights and ownership.  Even if you have paid off your mortgage you are not a land owner, try not paying your school/property taxes for a while; you will find out who really owns the land.

west is owned by the feds

84% of Nevada is owned by the Federal Government.  How does Mordor on the Potomac own more of Nevada that Nevadans and the state of Nevada combined?  With a $17 trillion deficit, I think it is prudent for them to start selling off some of their assets.

Aggression Masked As Diplomacy:

Negotiations are a constant in our world.  If terms are negotiated between mindful adults/parties then there can be peace but often dealings and negotiations with the US government involve coercion and the threat of violence.  The use of aggressive violence and threat of its use has no place in a free society.  The fact that it is part of the normal standard operating procedure of the US should not be a surprise because we are far from being a free society.

People are getting fed up with these tactics.  Whether it is people refusing to stand down to police after a shooting, filming the police actions even when threatened with arrest, vocalizing their disapproval at town hall meetings or simply a rancher who has essentially says to the feds “I don’t recognise your authority regarding this, now fuck off!”

Propaganda/Ad Hominem Attacks:

One of the first steps in winning any war is the dehumanization of the enemy.  Once that is successful those who sign the legislation and pull the triggers won’t see themselves as thieves and murderers because their victims are sub-human.  These people are the enemy of freedom and the enemy of America.

Libertarians, Tea Party, 2nd Ammendment supporters, etc… are constantly labeled as extremists and one step away from being re-categorized as terrorists.

2nd american revolution

That picture says it all, hundreds of government agents were up against hundreds of protestors backed by armed militia men not afraid to exercise their 2nd ammendment and point their rifles downrange at a group that might decide to aggressively stand against freedom.

The writing is on the wall, war could break out between the US and America, preparations have been made and the tension is there for it to go from cold to a hot war at a moments notice.  This is what characterizes a Cold War to me.


  1. What’s amazing is that free people constantly put men like Ted Kennedy and Harry REid back in office with every election. After 2 terms these men become positively crooked. It’s amazing Ron Paul kept his head on and his morals in the same condition for 40 years. Which proves it can be done, to be not corrupted by the system. But the RPs are so few and I am surprised he was not knocked off by the very government he served.

    Washington is in this state: “You are in more dire need of a blow job than any white man in history”. So that we can start over.

  2. Re Bundy. — This is only an opening salvo in a building open war between an oppressive federal government and people who disagree with the policies and actions used by the employees inside that government.

    The mass media corporations must feel pretty sure Mr. & Mrs. Dumbass Amercica will not call them out on their “two-minutes-hate” assault on honest news reporting. Although never defined, (but strongly hinted at as unreasonable, raciest, and cammo wearing whites) the word “malitia” was drilled in over and over. But active participation by the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officer Association, and badge carrying and sworn military members of Oathkeepers was completely omitted from all reports. I see the propaganda words “public ownership and use” means any politician, connected corporations, your great grandchildren, but not you, me or the Clive Bundy and family. These are the same tactics the United States government used against Soviet Russia in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s now turned on its own people.

    Down the “it never happened” hole went the easily discovered facts of politicians financially and politically profiting from Bundy’s removal. And how the current BLM director is connected.

    Then there is one of the honorable Harry Reid’s sons:

    Many people suspect that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) instigated an over the top paramilitary confrontation with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy at the behest of Senator Harry Reid especially since the new BLM director, Neil Kornze, was an aide to Reid. So how does Harry’s son, Rory Reid, thank the BLM rangers for putting their lives at risk over desert tortoises that are being euthanized by the Feds? Why, he slams them as “losers” on Las Vegas television station KSNV where Rory serves as a commentator from the left.

    Here is how Rory “thanked” the BLM for carrying out the task of saving the desert tortoises that were being killed off by the Feds for overpopulation in the grazing areas:

    …I think that the BLM lost. The BLM shouldn’t have started this if they couldn’t develop a plan to finish it successfully. Now I can understand why they suspended the operation. No trespass cow is worth somebody getting hurt. But the First Amendment zones they created were ridiculous. Then tried to block off too large a piece of land…. I don’t think there is any way to look at this and say they were a winner here. They were a loser.

    One has to wonder what BLM agent Dan Love and his colleagues think about being called “losers” by Harry Reid’s son. Perhaps the next time they are called upon to conduct an excessive paramilitary operation at the Bundy ranch, they can invite Rory to don a BLM Ninja outfit and lead the charge in order to save desert tortoises so that they can be later gently killed.

    • All for the turtle huh?

      Feds accused of leaving trail of wreckage after Nevada ranch standoff

      By William La Jeunesse
      Published April 16, 2014
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      The federal agency that backed down over the weekend in a tense standoff with a Nevada rancher is being accused of leaving a trail of wreckage behind.

      Fox News toured the damage — allegedly caused by the Bureau of Land Management — which included holes in water tanks and destroyed water lines and fences. According to family friends, the bureau’s hired “cowboys” also killed two prize bulls.

      “They had total control of this land for one week, and look at the destruction they did in one week,” said Corey Houston, friend of rancher Cliven Bundy and his family. “So why would you trust somebody like that? And how does that show that they’re a better steward?”


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