Another Hero – Another BeatDown…


Child traumatized after watching cop brutalize mother


Cop Thrashes Mother In Front of 8 year old Son After Yelling Incident police beating

A Canadian mother is still reeling after a police officer entered her home and beat her in front of her eight-year-old son following a report of “yelling.”

Though the incident took place on Halloween, Lana Sinclair’s face still bears the bruises stemming from a Winnipeg police officer slamming her head against a table and beating her mercilessly with a baton.

Sinclair, a local craft and jewelry maker, says the only thing she did to provoke the officer, who is not named in reports, was ask him not to touch her.

“He poked me here (pointing to her chest) and that’s when I stood up and I said, ‘You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to touch me,’” Sinclair told CTV News.

That prompted the cop to start beating on Sinclair with his baton, before he smashed her face into a sewing table and knocked her onto the floor as well.

“He had my arm behind me and he smashed my face right here,” described Sinclair, who says her son also works as a police officer.

The beating took place as the woman’s eight-year-old son watched on in horror.

After the mother was handcuffed, the cop “stood [her] up and her feet were kicked out from underneath her,” reports CBC News, adding, “She fell and landed on her face.”

“I don’t have a record, even as a youth,” explained Sinclair to CTV. “I’ve always helped others to better themselves and their lives and myself. And even my (other) son is a police officer.”

Paramedics arriving at the scene evaluated Sinclair’s injuries and concluded she would require treatment at a local hospital.

Police next transported her to the local jail where she was charged with assault and resisting a peace officer.

“We [my son and I] were both traumatized,” Sinclair said. “I just hug him and kiss him and tell him it’s okay.”

Despite her terrifying encounter, Sinclair holds out hope that the cop was just a “bad apple.”

“There’s always a bad apple in the bunch that makes it look bad for the rest,” said Sinclair, hoping the incident doesn’t affect her son’s views on law enforcement.

Sinclair has since hired a lawyer and has filed a complaint with the Law Enforcement Review Agency, hoping to get the charges against her dropped. However, according to CTV News, “only four to six complaints [out of hundreds] filed with the provincial government agency made it to a hearing,” and “many of the complaints end up abandoned.”



  1. Despite her terrifying encounter, Sinclair holds out hope that the cop was just a “bad apple.”

    Sometimes I think people hope there are only a few “bad apple” since the alternative is not appealing: A corrupt government that is generally apathetic to citizens’ concerns and/or welfare. It only cares about maintaining its control and power, while some (or many) individuals use their position in government to their own ends.

    • If only it were so, Mith. If only it were so.
      Gunvermin employees in general, and especially the elected ones, have lost sight of the principle that their positions were supposedly created to SERVE the people. The words in the ancient languages translated as Minister are synonyms for the word servant. Thus, the Prime Minister is the head servant.
      We could debate till the cows come home whether or not such positions have ever existed, or even can exist, the fact remains that was their INTENDED purpose. The law of unintended consequences may not be ignored.


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