Illinois Hero Beats Up 70-Year-Old Man


A Hoopeston, Illinois family are accusing officers of brutality after an early morning May 16 encounter between their father and local cops was caught on film.

The family says that Hoopeston police barged in without warning and detained their 70-year-old father, who suffers from COPD, emphysema, brain aneurisms, high blood pressure and strokes, after officer T. Showers shined a bright light in his face when he was already informed it could cause seizures.

As a result of pleading to please shine the light out of his eyes, the family says, the police entered a private residence without permission or probable cause and detained the senior citizen for no reason.

The video, posted to various social media outlets, shows the man’s son calmly ask an officer for his badge number.

“Can I please have your badge number,” the man says before the officer immediately smacks away the recording device.

“So, that’s my options?” the elderly man can be heard asking. “I can either get medical attention, or I can go to jail?”

An officer can be heard responding that those were indeed his options.

The senior citizen was latter released without charges but required medical attention for cuts and gashes on his arms. It is not yet clear how those injuries were sustained and the footage appears not to have captured what caused them.

Hoopeston police say they have opened an investigation in to the incident and witnesses are being interviewed.

Once the investigation is done, police say, the results will be handed over to the local police commissioner’s board for review.

Local news coverage containing raw footage:



  1. HPD(217-283-5196) Facebook Page Blotter…

    Terri Lynn Hackney
    Yesterday at 19:47
    Hoopeston police when was it a law no bom fire after 6.00 I must of miss that memo well I drove around town there is 20 bom fires I don’t see why my kids can’t have one when everyone else can need to put them out to thank you very much.

    25 November 2014
    The Hoopeston Police Department would like to congratulate Officer Melissa Van Der Meir of CSX Railroad Police on an outstanding law enforcement career. Officer Van Der Meir spent countless hours in Hoopeston after the J&R tire fire in 2013. Best of luck in your post law enforcement career!

    10 March 2014 at 14:47
    Jeri Goin Why is everyone surprised a shooting in hoopeston ! Come on it’s not. The first time and not last time either!! I lost a friend.! Yes it bad and sad!!

    10 March 2014 at 18:40
    Alice Fink We cannot be surprised; sooner or later it had to come to this and a miracle it did not happen sooner. Not anymore on who stabbed and left the Milford man on n.Market last yr. too many domestic batteries, fights of all kinds, alcoholics and drug addicts and no one knows anything. Well, they are not telling. And how do we expect to attract any bigger businesses? just sayin’

    28 January 2014 at 07:16
    Jodi Wilburn Bullock Hoopeston has a great police department! And i am thankful for the town i live in

    20 August 2013 at 00:16
    Eric Stevens love the new crosswalk paint!

  2. Hoopeston Archons
    Bill Crusinberry
    803 N. 3rd Street
    Hoopeston, 60942…………………….. (H) 283‐5833
    Gail Lane
    843 E. Elm
    Hoopeston, 60942………………………(B) 283‐7834
    Edythe Bookwalter
    312 W. Chestnut St.
    Hoopeston, 60942………………………(B) 283‐5703
    Joe Fell
    417 W. Lincoln
    Hoopeston, 60942…………………………… (B) 283‐4196
    Bill McElhaney
    408 W. Penn St.
    Hoopeston, 60942…………………………… (C) 304‐2094
    Carl Ankenbrand
    822 S. Fourth St.
    Hoopeston, 60942…………………………… (C) 260‐3832
    Randall Carter
    414 E. Main St.  
    Hoopeston, 60942…………………………… (B) 283‐5895
    Larry Baughn
    715 N. Market St.
    Hoopeston, 60942……………………………(H) 772‐1299
    Nancy Stipp
    638 E. Honeywell
    Hoopeston, 60942…………………………… (B) 283‐5492
    J Wm. Goodwine
    806 E. Washington
    Hoopeston, 60942…………………………… (B) 283‐9683
    Brandon Hamilton
    912 Sprague Road
    Hoopeston, 60942…………………………… (B) 283‐4100

    Hoopeston Heroes

  3. When the only tool you have is a hammer……and nobody bothers to tell you any different, everything looks like a nail. I can’t wait for these guys to get what they deserve.

    • Probably be a long wait, 8. After all, the investigation is being conducted by the pheroes themselves. That is the minimum change that needs to be made, that ‘independent’ investigations are made into charges of LEO malfeasance.


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