
Today’s Clover: The Random Stopper

Here's video of a Clover I found myself behind the other day... . The guy was driving approximately 10-15 MPH below the posted limit (55) for openers and of course, wouldn't just...

The iPhone You Drive…

This is a follow-up rant to my short article (here) about Jaguar's snuggling of the electric car tar baby. The whole thing makes my teeth ache. I try not to fall...

Jaguar Without Jaguarness

Jaguar is the latest premium brand - others include Porsche, BMW and Mercedes - to give the electric car tar baby a two-armed hug. Design chief Ian Callum says he has probably...

Reader Question: College Kid Car Buying?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Bryan asks: Heard you on with Bill Meyer today and thought about calling in to the show from the other side of the building...

Who Really Killed the Electric Car?

Here's a little rant about who really killed the electric car... and it wasn't GM: . . . Got a question about cars - or anything else? Click on the "ask Eric" link...

Video Rant: 2019 Ram 1500

Here's a first look at the new (just majorly overhauled) 2019 Ram 1500. Apparently - I need to confirm this - the 2019 will only be available in four-door cab configuration....

Site Update Stuff

I wanted to let everyone know that I'm working on getting a few site updates done, including ginning up a way to allow people to download free electronic versions of my...

Reader Question: Turbo’d Longevity?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! M asks: Hi Eric, I enjoyed your article  on the Turbo Tax, regarding turbocharged engines.  I didn't see where you addressed it directly...

Reader Question: Hybrid Amortization?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Gregg asks: Hi Eric, I'm new to your site;I heard you on Tom Woods pod cast and love it! You covered EV amortization....

Mr. Bacon Confronts AGW

Here's video of Mr. Bacon - yes, really - confronting an insolent and exempted from obeying the laws the rest of us must obey armed government worker - who parked his...
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