
Latest Radio: David Knight/InfoWars 8/30/2018

Here's the audio from today's chat with David Knight over at InfoWars; we talked about the proletarianization of transportation and related topics! . . . Got a question about cars - or...

Insolent Armed Government Worker

Observe the strutting and Hut! Hut! Hutting! of this insolent government worker. So tough, with his bald head and opaque sunglasses and tacticool gear... And so contemptuous of the law and common...

Reader Rant! About Inflation . . .

Here's the latest reader rant, with my reply following! Dana writes: You and other writers seem to use the government's phony inflation figures. I have old Census and Almanacs from the 60s....

About 15 percent in 24

Please have a look at the pie chart for this month - we are about 15 percent low on the dipstick as of Thursday morning, the last day of the month. I...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show 8/29/18

Here's the audio from today's chat with Bill Meyer at KMED radio in Oregon; we talked about the proletarianization of transportation, my book, Automotive Atrocities - and various other things. . ....

Ode to McCain

Here's the audio of my McCain obit!   . . . Got a question about cars - or anything else? Click on the "ask Eric" link and send 'em in! We depend on you to keep...

Elon’s Cash Crash

The crash of Tesla is imminent - better stock up on party hats and booze! From Reuters: With a debt load of about $10.5 billion and the possibility of an impending cash shortfall,...

Snowflake vs. Armed Government Worker

Here's a TeeVee commercial that will flatten your beer. It shows a pasty-looking kid in a "showdown" with an armed government worker over who will flinch first . . . will...

Ecuador Freedom Bikes!

I wanted to let everyone know about our newest advertiser - who is not a Gooooo guhl advertiser! Ecuador Freedom Bike Rental (click here for more; or see the ad on...

Armed Government Workers Are “Uncomfortable”

Here's a video of an armed government workers who is "uncomfortable" about a girl taking video outside the New Hampshire Supreme Court. The double-chinned, opaque-sunglasses wearing armed government worker eructs "acting...
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