
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

Chinese Shite

Some of you may have noticed bizarre Chinese (I think, I don't speak the lingo) gibberish appearing with forwarded links to article on this site. My apologies for the inconvenience while...

It’s “A Safety Matter” Hero Cops claim

As they arrest a guy for no legal reason:

“Auto Industry is not an Easy Place to be Transgender”

Dr. Frank N Furter, call your office.... Things are worse than even I imagined Have a look at the following, which is not farce. It is deadly serious:   Jane, whose name has...

Frau Merkel Seeks to Vernichtung Internal Combustion

Former East German Stasi stooge and current Reichskanzler Angela Merkel says  Germany must eventually follow other European countries in banning the sale of new gasoline and diesel cars. In an interview with...

NY Heroes Brutalize 84-Year-Old Man

Over jaywalking: NEW YORK CITY, NY — An 84-year-old man was hospitalized after he incorrectly crossed the street and could not understand the commands of NYPD officers who wanted to adjust his...

Florida Heroes Break Down Wrong Door, Beat Up Teacher

MIAMI (AP) — Nathaniel LaFleur says he was watching television when someone knocked on his door. Moments later, he said, police were kicking and pistol-whipping him, asking him about drugs. Metro Sheriff...

Reader Question: Seafoam vs. Lucas?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Dave asks: In my area at least, Seafoam is the gasoline additive to use. But I just noticed a half empty container of Lucas...

“hero” Cavalcade

Here's a compilation video of "heroes" enforcing "the law" with more than a little gusto: These incidents would once have sparked national outrage but the people of this country seem to have...

Der Fuhrer About to Issue a New Befehl

As his administration prepares an executive order tightening access to guns, President Barack Obama met Wednesday with former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a proponent of new gun laws who...
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