
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

A Heathen Reports

A regular here sent in what follows below, which I publish in its entirety on account of its powerful indictment of what is styled "The Science" - using facts and rational...

Reader Qs (July 25, 2017)

Here are the latest Reader Qs - along with my answers:  Graham asks: I read the review here but no mention of how well the ten speed transmission shifts are executed and if...

GM’s Latest Diversity Dance

The following is interesting because it highlights GM's obsession with genitalia, skin color and sexual preference: Be bold. It's one of the key messages General Motors wants to communicate to its female...

Video Walk-Around: 2017 Ford Focus RS

Here's a quick walk-around of the 2017 Ford Focus RS - the Mr. Hyde to the Focus ST's gentle Dr. Jekyll! If you like what you've found here, please consider supporting EPautos. We depend on...

Have I Seen This?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Clay asks: Have you seen this Zero Hedge article this morning? The study director Christoph Buchal will be knocked off soon. My reply: I...

Citizen Hassled by “hero” for Contempt of Cop

In the video below, a citizen with the audacity to exercise his right to not answer questions gets hassled by a "hero" law enforcer who has nothing but contempt for the...

Hero Tasers Kid & Permanently Disables Him

This one's not easy to watch: The psychotic Hero pulls over the kid over an error - the kid literally didn't do anything - and proceeds to brutally Tazer him, then dumps...

Hero Enforces Scared Feelings

"Scaring people" is now the relevant consideration - not whether something's illegal - i.e., whether you've committed a crime (or even are suspected of having committed one): This is happening all over...

Undercover Oakland Heroes Pull Guns On Citizens

An undercover cop in Oakland pulled out a gun and pointed it at protesters Wednesday night after they exposed him and a partner as police officers attempting to incite crime. The shocking...

Useless Eater “hero” Steals Money in Plain Sight

Watch this one. A couple of guys are wading in a river, looking for whatever they find. They're young, fit - and most of all, not harming anyone or even potentially...
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