
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

By Request…

Several asked for some Hellcat Redeye sounds and sensations so - without further ado - here you go!

Reader Question: The AGW Menace?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Mitch writes: I have read many of your articles over the years and this one is fantastic. I sat stunned at the AGW's...

Psycho Hero (Redundant) Releases the Hounds

Lee Coel, the same "hero" cop who shot Mary Knowlton on Tuesday during a training drill, was caught on dash cam earlier this year allowing a K9 unit to maul a cyclist for...

Heroes Slam Granny To The Pavement

Clearly a threat to Officer Safety:

Latest Radio: KMED/Bill Meyer Show 1/17/2019

Here's the audio of my chat the other day with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon!   If you like what you've found here please consider supporting EPautos.  We depend on you to...

AGW Kicks Man For Improper Push-Ups

Here's security camera footage of an armed government worker - a jail guard - having some fun with a prisoner. The prisoners are on garbage patrol, loading bins of trash into...

AGW Exercises His Authoritah

Here's a video depicting what happens when you decline to show the proper obsequious "respect" for an armed government worker. A trucker flips one the Bird. In response, the AGW uses his Authoritah...

Reader Question: Unplugging ASS?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Crissie asks: Is it legal to permanently disable things like ASS and Lane Keep Assist? I don't want either of these and consider...

AGW Gives a Lesson in Freedom

Here's a video that could be used as a clinical diagnostic tool - to demonstrate the psychopathy of AGWs and also the absurdity that we live in a "free" country. A guy...

Reader Question: EV Before IC?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Jason writes: I’m always fascinated with your approach to topics and how you can see everything “through the windshield”. I ran into an...
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