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The Inflation They Can’t Hide

You can’t reduce the size of a 4x8 sheet of plywood to hide the rising cost of one - or shave some length off a 2x4x8 - without it being not...

What You Should Be Able to Say to a Cop… But Don’t Dare To

One word - no. It used to be a word that carried a lot of weight. Not just morally but also - and critically - legally. You could say no to...


The real sickness making the rounds isn’t physical. Most people recover from colds. Those afflicted with severe mental illness, on the other hand, often need years of therapy. Many never recover. A particularly...

Latest Radio: Tom Woods Show 1/14/22

Here's the audio of my chat the other day with my friend Tom Woods - whom many of you already know. I always enjoy talking with Tom and hope you enjoy...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 10/8/19

Here's the audio of my chat earlier today with Bryan Hyde, who hosts the Loving Liberty podcast in Utah! . . . Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or anything else?...

Why Don’t They Care?

It is said that the Thing shuffling up to the podium to rail against the Second Amendment and attempting to read the script blaming Putin for the effects of his "executive...

Which is Worse?

Few people like taxes - excepting, of course, those who collect them (and get paid, via them). But which tax - i.e., which form of legalized theft - is the worst:...

Diaper Report: 02/11/2023

It's not a coincidence that "mask" wearing has coincided with "they/them" - the belief that one can be two (or more) - and that being male or female is just a...

Can You Afford Not To?

It is generally sound advice to not spend money you haven't got - so as to have money  to spend when you need to buy something. But we live in unsound...

Diaper Report 12/27/21

This may be my last Diaper Report of 2021 and - sadly - I have some not-so-good-news to report. I stopped by Earth Fare - the "crunchy" (non-GMO/organic) supermarket in my part...
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