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Why Diaper the Healthy?

One of the strangest things about the disease plaguing America - sickness psychosis, not the WufFlu - is not the wearing of literal Diapers on one's face as well as their...

The Evils of the Automatic

It's easy to get suckered by the convenient. We're all susceptible. It is human nature to take the path of least resistance. This is the nature of the subtle evil that is...

A Dark Road Lies Ahead

Cheaper Than Dirt is (well...was) a great site.  It was a place to order bulk ammo to target shoot and find good deals on almost anything firearm related.  I was looking to...

Explaining the Inexplicable

The white-coated federal bureaucrat who has come to embody the face of medical terrorism said the other day he finds it “inexplicable” that people objected to wearing what are styled "masks." “When...

My Bike is Like an EV

I was out riding my motorcycle the other day and it occurred to me - as I glanced at the odometer, which you do out of habit if you have a...

What do “Masks” and “Vaccines” and EVs Have in Common?

Electric cars are like "masks" - and "vaccines" - in that all three don't work and so depend on government to prop them up. Sen. Joe Manchin just did his part -...


One of the interesting things about this hard-push to power everything - especially cars - electrically is that a critical material (lithium) isn't renewable and for that reason there's less incentive...

Diaper Report 1/9/22

Here we go - again. Again. Another “variant” of the ‘Rona has arrived, just in time to replace the Moronicon people aren’t getting sick from. Well, not seriously sick from. But the common...

The Making of a Market

Well, the other shoes has dropped. We now know how a “market” for electric cars will be created. It will be done by outlawing the market for cars that aren’t electric. Having trouble...

Bring Back a Real Car-Truck!

VW’s new truck - if they build it, which hopefully they will - won’t be the first one. For a couple of years back in the early ’80s, you could buy a...
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