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The “Cases” We’re Not Hearing About . . .

We have heard endlessly, practically every 15 minutes - about "the cases!" "the cases!" - of positive tests. But almost nothing about the cases of people becoming very sick and some...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show 4/29/21

Here's the audio of this week's gabble with Bill Meyer over at KMED Radio in heart of darkness Oregon! We talked about Elon's Musk, the latest in the Face Diaper wars...

Diaper Report 4/28/21

Have you ever "practiced" Reverse Diapering? We are all used to the opposite. To being pressured to Diaper by the Diaper-pushers, who leverage their having something we need - such as food...

“Your” Mask

Language matters because it's how we think. Even when we don't speak. The thoughts that form in our minds congeal around words. Which is why it is so important to use the...

The Options

The main problem the liberty minded face as regards preserving - and recovering - their lost liberty is that they are enmeshed among those who either do not understand or want...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 4/27/21

Here's the audio of my weekly gabble with fellow Wrongthinker Bryan Hyde, who hosts the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! We got into this odd business of preening about being Needled,...

Elon’s “Earnings”

It is being “reported” that Tesla’s net “earnings” have “surged” to $438 million. What they do not report is that this includes $518 million “earned” via regulatory credits - which aren’t...

Jab Hands

People are weirdly proud of having been Jabbed; they are dying to tell you all about it. And they may well be, just that. Dying. Many already have. Thousands, actually. Many of them previously...

History Repeats Itself . . . Again

Electric cars aren't new - and neither are their problems. Back in the mid-1990s, I experienced them firsthand - which gives me some standing to comment on them today. To specifically make...

Diaper Report 4/24/21

Most people don't buy things they don't need - unless they want them. The difference being a necessity vs. an indulgence. Almost no one needs the "vaccine" being hard-sold to almost everyone. This...
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