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A Measure of the Obsolescing

Once upon a time, the car industry was accused of planning obsolescence - i.e., designing cars to be replaced, ideally as soon (and as often) as possible. The accusation was true,...

The Same Clover All Over!

Here's another video of the same Clover I video'd slow-moving (and impeding) three days ago! Holy Matrix, Batman! . . . Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or anything else? Click...

Weight Matters

The saying goes that size matters - but weight matters more. If you want to go far. This is why EVs don’t. Even the really little ones - like Chevy’s Bolt,...

Do You Parley?

I wrote a couple weeks ago about being shadow-banned by the Tech Oligarchs who run Twitter and Facebook. I can still post links to my articles but they waft into a...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED Oregon 4/7/21

Here's the audio of this week's gabble with Bill Meyer over at KMED in Oregon! We talked about magnificent exorcism in Canada as well as the Ram TRX and its virtues: ....

Diaper Report 5/18/22

It is easy enough to see that face-effacing is still a thing. One still regularly sees people wearing that disgusting thing - even for the walk from their car to the...

Anticipating Government

You may have wondered why it is that every 2024 model year vehicle - as in all of them - comes standard with a slew of "driver assistance technologies," always marketed...

A “Case” You Probably Didn’t Read About

A friend in Georgia called to let me know a junior high school student who attends the same school as her 13-year-old son tried to kill herself the other day. She...

The Useless in an Emergency Brake

It won't be long before nothing happens when you floor the accelerator. Well, nothing dramatic. The car will gradually build speed - Not too much! Not too fast! - no matter...

Free – Why That’s My Favorite Price!

Gotta love the ol' bait-and-switch. Promise them medical treatment (free medical treatment - or at least "affordable," as the Obamanauts style it)  and then force them to buy insurance. Hilarious! So why aren't you...
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