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Hidden Costs That Cost a Lot

Have you ever added up the cost of being allowed to keep a vehicle? Not what it cost you to buy it - nor what it cost to maintain it. The other...

Why We Can’t Drive Faster. . .

Almost everything about cars has changed over the past 50 years - except for how fast we’re allowed to drive them. In 1970, you could legally drive 70-75 MPH on most highways...

Rising to the Bait – Again

$40 billion is still a great deal of money - even in the Biden Thing's America. Except it's not going to help Americans. Rather, the Biden Thing has taken $40 billion...

Diapering Under Duress?

A reader sent in the following, which neatly encapsulates the dilemma so many of us face with regard to Face Diapering. My reply follows.  I coach track and cross country at the...

How ObamaCare Will Affect Your Driving… And Much More Besides

Most people believe that ObamaCare is just about "health care" - making it "free" (that is, paid for by others) or at least more "accessible" (see previous bracketed deconstruction). In fact,...

The Coming “Post-Car Era”

It’s not just the government that’s banning cars - or making it hard to own a car. Private developers are working toward the same thing  - styled the “attrition of the...

Mandatory Automatic Braking For All!

I recently wrote about the Fading Away of the manual transmission (see here). As it turns out, I was wrong. Manuals will not fade away. They will be regulated out of existence. Here's how...

Veal Calves

You have probably read about the younger crowd being more interested in their cell phones than in cars. The statistic most often cited in support of this claim - which is...

A “Case” You Probably Didn’t Read About

A friend in Georgia called to let me know a junior high school student who attends the same school as her 13-year-old son tried to kill herself the other day. She...

Weaponized Hypochondria in a Nutshell

How bad is Sickness Psychosis - the affliction engendered by the weaponization of hypochondria? Pretty bad. Herewith a personal story that gives a sense of just how bad it is. I went to the...
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