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The Why Behind the Push

Why are they pushing EVs so aggressively? The "climate crisis" stuff is the excuse, of course. But what is the reason? Well, it's fundamentally the same reason behind the failed push to...

Election Day Diaper Report

I just voted - for the Orange Man - as the antidote to Sickness Psychosis. Sadly, I was the only person there who showed his face. There was no requirement to...

What Killed Chrysler?

The news may come today - but it won’t be a surprise: Chrysler’s going the way of Plymouth. Maybe Dodge, too. They are not right for the times and it would...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 9/20/22

Here's the audio of my talk earlier today with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah. We talked about the great news that the "pandemic" is...

The Quacking of Ducks

Here's the trouble. Most people can't read... and so, can't think. Not quite literally, perhaps. But, meaningfully. They have been taught - very deliberately - to be sloppy and fluid with words. A given...

“Creating Jobs”

Both candidates for the consulship of America entreated the electorate with fulsome promises that "jobs would be created" by them once (s)elected. This goes unremarked - or worse, openly cheered. Yet...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 3/20/20

Here's the audio of my talk earlier today wit6h Bryan Hyde, who hosts the Loving Liberty Show in Utah. We talked about Corona Fever - the hype vs. the reality ....

Colorado Embraces EV Tar Baby

Colorado has become the 13th state - plus the District of Columbia - to embrace the fatuously titled "zero emissions" electric car tar baby. This will " . . . protect the...

Why Do They Diaper?

This business of most people voluntarily Diapering is depressing and has several facets. Perhaps the largest is simply that most people are two-legged cattle who go as the herd goes. This seems...

A Very Politically Incorrect Thought

Why is the Anti-Defamation League, which sees incipient Hitlerism in any expression of viewpoint critical of the policies of the Israeli government (which apparently can do no wrong, ever) or which...
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