
A “Case” You Probably Didn’t Read About

A friend in Georgia called to let me know a junior high school student who attends the same school as her 13-year-old son tried to kill herself the other day. She...

Motorcycle Clovers

Regular readers of this column already know what a Clover is. It is someone who - among other things - refuses to move over to let traffic get by and go...

Experiment: 1983 Honda GL650

Regulars here will have already read my series of articles (here and here) about battling the ethanol demon  - and casting him out of the fuel tank (and carburetors) of my...

What Can’t be Hacked

There are two great things about cars keys that aren't electronic keys. Three things, actually. Wait. Four things. The first is that they last decades, assuming you don't lose them. I still have...

Unlocking the Ka-ching

How’d you like to pay extra to go farther?  Electric car owners may soon have that “opportunity,” as paying extra for something that used to be given is often styled. Like a car’s...

Barchetta Musings

Imagine if you had to use a scan tool to figure out why your toilet won't stop running. You don't have to do that, of course, because it's a purely mechanical...

You Didn’t Think it Would End With Seat Belts. . . Right?

Mandatory buckle-up laws set the precedent: Even your own body in your own car is no longer your own personal space.  Here's how it works: The government decides that whatever it is...

Swim at Your Own Risk

Little things can tell you a lot. For instance, the signs they used to hang by the entrance to hotel swimming pools and adjacent to the paths that led to public...

The Diapered Don

Seeing a Diapered Donald was kind of like seeing your mom naked. It's not something you wanted to see. And now the country has seen it. The media is making sure of...

Mercedes & Me

It's a good thing I don't have the Mercedes EV I was supposed to have been sent this week to test drive - because I wouldn't be able to drive it...
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