
Tickets/Driving Stuff

Anything related to speeding tickets, driving & stuff like that.

No Roads For You!

One of the arguments deployed by those opposed to a free society - you know, those "unrealistic," pie-in-the-sky Libertarians - is that there'd be no roads. But what happens when the...

Radar Invisibility, Kinda-Sorta . . .

Some of you may remember the ‘80s movie adaptation of the epic (and excellent) sci-fi novel Dune by Frank Herbert. The characters in this far-distant future wear defensive shield belts that,...

Presumptive vs. Actual Impairment

Yesterday, my buddy got into an accident. An actual accident - because it was one he could not have avoided. A minivan pulled out in front of him, struck his Jeep...

Mistakes and Accidents

Avoiding an accident is actually pretty easy - because most “accidents” aren’t. They are the result of mistakes. In other words, avoidable things. Here are a few common mistakes that can lead to an "accident." Too...

The Speeding Exemption

In Orwell’s other book - Animal Farm - we read about a mutiny against the farmer by the livestock, who draw up a kind of Declaration of Rights premised on the...

Whatever Happened to The Ricers?

The ‘90s/early 2000s was the last time messing with cars was a common thing among teens and 20s. These were the “ricers” and “tuners” - kids who worked on mostly Japanese stuff,...

Non-Emergency Automated Braking

Something strange - and dangerous - happened to me the other day while I was out test-driving a new Toyota Prius. The car decided it was time to stop. In the middle...

Cognitive Dissonance and “Speeding”

Here's video of an armed government worker in Florida - Trooper Bryan Zegers - who crosses a median and doubles back at speeds over 140 MPH - weaving through traffic and...

It’s Not Just the Time that Changed!

This is the time of year when we’re forced to reset our clocks - Daylight Savings Time. There’s something else that needs re-setting, too. Our frames of reference for cars. Let me explain...

1987 Again . . . for a Moment

Yesterday, I had an encounter with an armed government worker on a motorcycle, running a speed trap. And running laser, which is kryptonite to even the best radar detector because you...
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