
Tickets/Driving Stuff

Anything related to speeding tickets, driving & stuff like that.

Clovers Hogging Passing Lane

Here are today's Clovers. Clover number one in the white PT Cruiser squats obliviously in the passing lane, even though the right lane is empty and even though there are cars behind him who...

Road Clovers

Charles Darwin categorized the flora and fauna of the Galapagos Islands. My job is to provide a taxonomy of Cloveris Americanus - the various sub-species of atrocious "driver" who makes driving...

Two Wheeled Clover!

Not all Clovers slow-poke on four wheels! Here's one on two - gimping down one of the best series of S curves in southwest Virginia at about 22 MPH... the speed...

Mandatory Automatic Braking For All!

I recently wrote about the Fading Away of the manual transmission (see here). As it turns out, I was wrong. Manuals will not fade away. They will be regulated out of existence. Here's how...

You May Not Know…

Everything's so much the same now that many don't know it was once different. And in some ways, the same - again. They also think they know about some things -...

Traffic Laws That Make Some Sense (For a Change)

Virginia - home of the dumbed-down "reckless driving" statute (drive faster than 20 MPH over any speed limit and you qualify; see here) has actually done something sensible for once, with...

Elon’s Yoke

They say - well, some point out - that Teslas are dangerous (in addition to being fatuous) because they are suspiciously fire-prone in accidents - and sometimes, while sitting in your...

The Double Yellow Prison

This country is painted over with double yellow bars - a sort of rolling-ribbon prison, from which escape is not possible. Or at least, very difficult. Legal passing zones - always...

Can an Affordable Radar Detector be an Effective Radar Detector?

Radar detectors make driving enjoyable again - by greatly reducing your vulnerability to being ticketed for "speeding," which is one of those made-up offenses that few of us feel moral guilt...

Chancing It

It is increasingly tempting to just go for it. Scratch that. It is increasingly reasonable to just go for it. Traffic stops are not what they once were. The fines have become disproportionate,...
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