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Here’s What’s Next

Now that the Left has secured its power, expect the Left to exercise it. This will manifest in numerous ways but perhaps the most directly felt will be at the pump, shortly...

EVs, the Internet and Missed Possibilities

Electric cars are kind of like the Internet. Both had tremendous possibilities - especially to free people from the shackles that restrained them for decades. In the case of the Internet, the...

Living History

We are living history now. The history of early Soviet Russia - and the other place, of course. People cowed by fear - just trying to keep their heads down and not...

Diaper Report 12/2/21

Second chances shouldn’t be missed. The first chance was, unfortunately. Our chance - about a year ago - to put stop strips under the runaway tires of the “pandemic” hysteria via mass refusal...

The Chilling

Whatever you think about the Orange Man, it’s worth thinking about this business of firing people (and so on) for nothing more than their liking the Orange Man. This just happened to...

Your Sail Fawn DL

Many of us didn’t get a sail fawn until relatively recently - within the past ten years, say. I myself didn’t get one until about six years ago, chiefly because I...

Diaper Report 4/2/21

Why do so many - practically everybody, in many areas - Diaper? Even in the absence of "mandates"? Even when the "mandates" aren't enforced - at least, not by anything more threatening...

ICs for Uncle

Internal combustion-powered vehicles aren’t going away. They are being taken away - from us. But not from them - the ones taking them away from us. Those people - government people -...

Face Burqa Signage and Property Rights

Do signs have rights? More precisely, are we bound by respect for the property rights of store owners as supposedly expressed by signs that state it is "store policy" for patrons to...

Living Red Barchetta

California’s Gesundheitsguv Gavin Newsome just decreed what the rock band Rush foresaw coming back in 1981. The Motor Law. The song described a future time in which all cars were outlawed. Newsome just...
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