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Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 8/4/20

Here's the audio of my weekly chat with fellow Wrongthinker Bryan Hyde in Utah! We talked about coerced speech via coerced Diapering as well as the importance of setting up "samizdat"...

Diaper Report 8/4/20

I have found an alternative Donk - the coffee shop in Roanoke I used to go to regularly and defended, vigorously during the "lockdown" imposed by the Gesundheitsfuhrer of Virginia -...

AGWs Hut! Hut! Hut! Woman for Not Being Naked

A woman was Hut! Hut! Hutted! by armed government workers at a beach in Myrtle, SC because "someone" called about her being naked on the beach - which she wasn't. But the...

In Your Face

Jefferson wrote that it is evil and tyrannical to force a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he despises. Something far more evil and tyrannical is afoot. Or rather,...

Diaper Report 8/1/20

In the old Soviet Union and other such places, one had to worry about one's neighbor even more than the government. The government could not be everywhere, after all. It had...

Going After Friends

There is a scene in the 1990 film adaptation of Tom Clancy's Cold War thriller, The Hunt for Red October that bears on current times - and current situations. The book -...

“Sustainability” and Three Seconds to 60?

Just as Face Diapers aren’t about “stopping the spread” - that's just the marketing for what's actually being sold - electric cars aren’t about “sustainability.” Witness the latest electric Face Diaper -...

Samizdat Revisited

It is possible that those not afflicted with Sickness Psychosis will soon be entirely locked-out of public life. No more in-store shopping; no more even briefly going inside for the time...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED Oregon 7/29/20

Here's the audio of my weekly chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Medford, Oregon. We had this talk just a few hours before my final visit to the...

Diaper Report 7/29/20

Today,  a sad Diaper Report. I've been excommunicated from the coffee shop - Sweet Donkey in Roanoke - that I've been going to (and spending money at) for the past five years...
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