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For the Sake of Fellowship

As Solzhenitsyn pointed out in his classic book, The Gulag Archipelago, creating a nightmare of evil is easy if you can convince people they are laboring on behalf of heaven on...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED Oregon 5/22/20

Here's the audio of my usual weekly chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon! We talked about the Benz E53 AMG - review coming - as well as...

Latest Radio: Loving Liberty/Bryan Hyde Show 4/21/20

Here's the audio of my weekly chat - a couple of days later than usual - with Bryan Hyde, who hosts the Loving Liberty Show in Utah. We discussed Corona Psychosis...

Samizdat Haircut

Our gracious liege lord, The Coonman, has decreed that previously "non-essential" businesses may "reopen." But not really. The doors to the previously walk-in hair-cut place I've been going to for years are...

AGW Threatens to Throw “Civilian” Off Bridge

Here's why you ought to be worried about Fear Mask Mandates. Armed government workers like this guy will be enforcing them. According to news coverage, a Connecticut AGW named Mathew Spina became...

Open Letter to a Fear Mask Pusher

A reader has been compelled to decline a position of leadership in his church due to a Fear Masks Mandatory policy imposed by the church leadership. He wrote an Open Letter...

Reopen . . . and Reject

People who own small businesses put up with government edicts pre-Corona because on the whole it was worth it. They complied with the onerous regulations. They paid the taxes, including the taxes styled...

AGWs Fail to Hut! Hut! Hut! Themselves

Armed government workers have been Hut! Hut! Hutting! people for not behaving like residents of a prison - failing to walk within the painted/taped lines, not "social distancing" or Fear Mask...

The Precautionary Principle?

I received the following from a reader in reply to my article about the Bill of Safety and thought it a subject much in need of further discussion: Here in Orygun I've...

Electric Shysterism – Step Right up!

Have you had your fill of - do you still believe - ads that promise you'll get "up to" some appealing number that almost no one will ever actually get? Ford is...
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