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Suing Honda . . . Watch Out, GM!

Heather Peters (no relation to this writer) is hopping mad at Honda. She says her '06 hybrid Civic's actual mileage more than just varied: About 30 MPG vs. the EPA (and...

Going Old?

I've begun noticing a lot more older cars on the road. And they are not headed to an antique car show, either. Almost every day, on my way into town, I...

Cop Types. . .

Bad laws attract bad people to enforce them - while pushing out the good (and semi-good) people. It's a sort of Gresham's Law as applied to human society. And more, a...

That Word…. Progressive

Progressive insurance is a lot like public education. Both are euphemisms that sound happy enough but mask a number of not so-smiley-faced realities. In the case of Progressive Insurance - the...

The Next Step

Are we there yet? No, but we are getting very close. We are now at the point, I suspect, that our colonial ancestors were in the early 1770s. They were still British...

The Last Run, Maybe…

Santa's been running late  because of all the speed traps and Clovers out there. Not to mention the endless meetings with his legal team to make sure the factory's in compliance...


Think about something you're better-than-average at. Better yet, something you're good at. Now imagine being required by law - backed by the threat of violence for failure to comply - to...

We Have Crossed the Rubicon

Do you suppose cows have any idea what's coming as they're marched down the chute? Or do they stare with bovine indifference at the tail and hind quarters in front of...

The CAFE Catch-22

The pending (2016)  35.5 MPG CAFE requirements – which for the first time apply to trucks as well as passenger cars – are going to make it very difficult for any...

No More Compact Trucks… For US

Here's the first known victim of the latest CAFE (government fuel efficiency) increase to 35.5 MPG: The compact pick-up truck. And the American truck buyer. Ok, that's two victims. I've just discovered...
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