
Hose Heroes?

Law enforcers aren't "heroes"  . . .  but what about firemen? Are they Hose Heroes? People are pressured to regard them as such. Much as they are pressured to genuflect, North Korean funeral-style, before...

The 2 Percenters

Hell’s Angels refer to themselves as 1 percenters. Soon, those of us who prefer to drive ourselves - as opposed to the car driving itself - will be 2 percenters. That’s right...

2017 BMW C650 GT

It’s hilarious that they get away with calling something like the ’17 BMW C650 GT a “scooter.” Please. Ok, it looks like one. It is a step-through and it doesn’t have a manual transmission....

The “Hero” Problem

When the state and its media bullhorns refer to armed government workers - law enforcers - as “heroes,” it’s a sign the hour is getting late. When most people don’t draw back...

2017 BMW R9 T Scrambler

Have you seen the Steampunk BMW? Yes, I know - it's the "scrambler" version of the R 9T. Which means it has high-mounted pipes and higher bars and fat tires with John Deer-esque...

Caged Demon

Pity the starving man who gets to smell fresh bread - but never gets to taste it. Dodge wafted some fresh-baked smells our way the other day. The Challenger SRT Demon was...

The Orange Balloon Deflates

Trump could not replace - much less repeal - Obamacare. So, instead, he did what Republicans do best: Bomb foreigners, remotely. Even the Chimp-esque, Oceania tis' for thee verbiage is back. Remember...

A Hellcat Ride and Anarcho Tyranny

The Constitution says that “cruel and unusual” punishment is not to be administered. One assumes that includes disproportionate punishment. For example, that a person who violates a traffic law not be...

Desperate Solutions to Made-up Problems

Desperation brings out the worst in people - including engineers. But then, you can’t really fault them. The government issues its fatwas - which aren't suggestions - and it is the...

The Reverse Model T

Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, touts his latest electric car as the second coming of the Model T - an odd comparison given the Model 3 is everything the T was not. Henry...
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