
Tickets/Driving Stuff

Anything related to speeding tickets, driving & stuff like that.

Cycling vs. Driving and the Death of Car Culture

There's North and South, liberals and conservatives; Star Trek people and Star Wars people . . . but few divides are greater than that which exists between drivers and cyclists. The etiology...

The GPS Granny Nanny

America is slowing down. How long before it stops entirely? Literally stops? A reader who is a commercial driver wrote to tell me about how his work vehicle is monitored and controlled via...

A View Down The Road

A few weeks ago, I wrote a story about Ford's creepy MyKey system (see here), now standard equipment in all new Ford vehicles, and the ugly possibilities for controlling how we...

Spend Less on Driving

Driving can be fun; it's often necessary. But rarely is it cheap. From buying a car to maintaining it to paying the seemingly endless (and myriad) fees associated with the "privilege"...


Really, it’s surprising it took them so long. But it is much more surprising that automotive journalists are leading the chorus ululating for the outlawing of the Dodge Demon muscle car. The automotive...

Officer Not So Friendly

A reader sent me a note about his recent experience with Officer Not So Friendly, following an unexpected early morning encounter with a moose. I thought it was worth relaying to...

Things To Know About Radar Detectors … and Police Radar

Radar detectors, like bulletproof vests, don't make you invulnerable. They improve yours odds. And like a bulletproof vest, the more you know about your radar detector's capabilities - and vulnerabilities -...

What Speed Limits Aren’t . . . But Should Be

The main problem with speed limits is they're not. In a legal sense - yes. You are not legally allowed to drive faster than whatever the number on the sign is. But...

Drivers License And Social Security Number, Please

A weird thing happened to me recently during a traffic stop. The cop demanded the usual stuff - license, registration. But then he demanded one more thing - my Social Security...

Clovers… On the Road (and Otherwise)

I'm often asked - what's a Clover? Technically, it's a specific person - an incredibly persistent troll on these pages who identified himself (herself?) using that handle. After awhile, it stuck -...
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