
On Two Wheels

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Motorcycles Afflicted by The Car Sickness

Have you gone shopping for a new sport bike lately? Try and find one that's not encrusted with layers of electronics . . . just like any new car. ABS and linked brakes; traction...

Old Bike Asterisk *

Ever try finding a firing pin for an Iowa Class battleship's 16 inch guns? They probably didn't make very many - and the ones they did make were last made probably...

Thinking About a Motorcycle or Scooter?

Cars are expensive - to buy and to operate. But bikes (and scooters) are inexpensive to buy and keep up. Most of them get much better gas mileage (50-plus MPGs)  than...

Get An Old Bike… While You Can Still Afford An Old Bike

As new bikes become more and more like new cars - that is, complicated and expensive, both to buy and maintain - the remaining supply of old bikes is going to get...

Bikes Like They Used To Make ‘Em . . . Again!

People get into bikes for many reasons, but probably two of the big ones are fun - and affordability. The fun is directly proportional to the affordability, too. A bike you...

How to Double – Even Triple – Your Gas Mileage

There is not much we can do about the doubling-plus of the price of gas, which is a function of our money buying less as much as it is a function...

Dumb – As Seen in the Rearview

We all do dumb things - which we thought at the time we did them were smart things. One of the dumbest things I’ve done over the past several years was...

2023 BMW K1600 GTL

Spend $50k on a new BMW car and you get a four cylinder engine. Spend half as much on a BMW bike and get a six cylinder engine - and a power-to-weight...

Helmet Laws Are Unsafe . . . and Worse

The other night, I went for an evening ride with my girlfriend  - neither of us wearing a helmet, which is no longer legal in this and most other states. We...

The Kz and the EV

Yesterday I did something I doubt anyone will be doing 46 years from now - at least, not with anything that's new right now. That being throwing a leg over the saddle...
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