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The Udder Runs Dry?

There must be a rube in the House. A recent Republican who does not understand how the game is played - much less why it is being played the way it is...

The Road Rage Defuser (Or How To Avoid Being A Clover)

Road rage is a function of Cloverism - inept, oblivious and passive-aggressive "driving." Do your part to keep creeping Cloverism in check by avoiding these common examples of Clover-ish conduct behind the...

Loving Their Diapers…

The worrisome thing about Face Diapering is that it's become just what it was always meant to be - a virtue statement (of obedience). More people - in some areas, virtually...

Samizdat America

America is now at the Samizdat stage. For those not hip, Samizdat refers to the underground press in the old Soviet Union. The government had almost total control over public discourse; today, it’s private corporations....

The Vampire Effect

One of the subtler - and most vicious - ways the government renders us more dependent on it is by rendering us less able to help ourselves and one another. I just...

A Not-Car Column….

Last weekend, we bought some land. This flies against policy (our policy) of never buying anything except that which can be paid for at the time of purchase - and even though...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show 4/24/19

Here's the audio of my chat today with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon! . . . Got a question about cars - or anything else? Click on the "ask Eric"...

A Pothole in the Path of the Electrification Agenda

A number of problems stand athwart the Electrification Agenda, which is supposed to be accomplished fact less than nine years from now - come 2030. Perhaps the single biggest problem is...

A Letter to the Warden of the Prison for the Elderly

My 84-year-old mother has been imprisoned for the past nine months. Not even family is allowed to visit - a cruelty not visited on death-row inmates. My mother didn't kill anyone...

No More “Renewing” . . . and Less of the Rest

So far, I have saved $150 by not renewing the “registration” - another government euphemism for another tax - I am expected to pay each year  . . . in addition...
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