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The “Peak Oil” Con

I’ve been reading about “peak oil” being imminent since the ’70s. Oil may indeed be a finite resource but the relevant question is: How much is left? It appears there’s more...

Uncle Again . . . or Me for a Change?

Ever get tired of being mulcted? Yeah, me too. So I decided to stop being mulcted . . . at least a little bit. And decided to spend some of my...

Diaper Report 9/28/21

What are they watching? The people walking around - again - with Diapers over their faces? It can't be what they're seeing - which isn't (once again) bodies stacking up like cordwood....

Driving While “Vaccinated”?

Here is another case of what appears to be Driving While "Vaccinated" - the latter always placed in air-fingers quotation marks to mock the fact that these drugs aren't vaccines. But they...

A Clover Encounter!

Yesterday, I encountered a Clover on the way home. I was driving on a backcountry road I often take because it's scenic and lightly used; you usually have the road to yourself....

The New Religion and its Origins

As with the enforced wearing of the Holy Rag - as with punishing people for "speeding" and so many other things - the presumption is that everyone must obey because of...

Parenting for Profit

Cars are supposed to transport us - not parent us. The government disagrees, of course. That's not new. Uncle has been working hard to parent grown adults since at least the 1960s,...

Ford & Firestone Revisited

When does cancer start? At the cellular/molecular level, probably. Which makes discovering the moment of conception - so to speak - difficult to pin down. Political cancer is easier because we can see...

“Crushed Every Four Years”

If you’ve been wondering what's behind the electric car/automated car push, Ford’s John Rich just let the cat out of the sack: “We will exhaust and crush a car every four years...

The Jab That Cleaves

Many of us have parted ways with friends - or so we thought they were - of long-standing over the "masking" ritual that became the overt symbol of the weaponized hypochondriac...
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