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Mobility in Bidet’s UnAmerica

It is not an accident that gas prices have gone up by $1 since the beginning of this year - since the beginning of the Bidet regime. By next year, gas...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 3/8/22

Here's the audio of this week's chat with Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! We talked about the prospect of $7 gas and $15 for a pound...

One Thing We Can Do

In the early days of every crisis, people wonder - what is to be done? Many feel helpless to do anything, as if caught in a ripe tide. This can be...

The Needlers Cometh

Those who dismiss the threat posed by Forced Diapering ought to cast their eye toward Virginia - where Forced Needling has just been proposed as the next thing people will be...

The Coonman Exception

My Fuhrer, said Dr. Strangelove, I have a plan! And now so do we - to deal with the Fuhrer of Virginia, Ralph "Coonman" Northam. His plan - announced on Tuesday -...

Voting Harder

Is there any point to voting when it's unclear whether your vote actually counts? And - more to the point - whether other "votes" are counted to counteract yours? The Left assures us...

You’ll Get a Charge Out of This . . . Or Maybe Not

IBM, the company that helped keep track of the trains (and people) headed to the east during the late unpleasantness in Germany, has filed a patent for a new system to...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show 8/17/22

Here's the audio of this week's talk with Bill Meyer over at KMED Radio in Oregon. We talked about the unnatural death of the Dodge Charger and Challenger, among other things: ....

Fireside Chat

It's single digits outside as I type this - but 72 degrees inside, as I type this. The fire is keeping us warm. But that's only part of it. The fire can't be...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED Oregon 11/13/19

Here's the audio of my weekly chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon! . . . Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or anything else? Click on the...
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