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It’s All Connected . . .

There is a connectedness afoot that becomes increasingly obvious - because it’s becoming impossible not to see it.    One such connection - that connects to others - is the drive to...

Extinction Level Event

Since they can’t sell people on electric cars, the next best thing is to outlaw internal combustion-engined cars. In order to force people into electric cars. The German Bundesrat (their version of...

Where’s Ralph?

Ralph Nader made his name “exposing” the design defects (as he styled them) of the Chevy Corvair. Leaving aside the fact that what he styled a “defect” was really more a difference...

The Motor Gods Smiled

Some of you may have seen the Viking funeral I gave my '76 Trans-Am's rear tires - which were both very old and nearly bald. I bought a new pair to...

AGW Escalation

Here's a video of a traffic stop in Tempe, AZ that neatly synopsizes the problem with what is styled "law enforcement" in this country. Which is really: Kowtow to Our Authority. A man...

A Measure of the Obsolescing

Once upon a time, the car industry was accused of planning obsolescence - i.e., designing cars to be replaced, ideally as soon (and as often) as possible. The accusation was true,...

The Other Side of “Safety”

Technology never makes mistakes - unlike the humans who design it. Who never fail to anticipate the unanticipated. Perfection issuing from imperfection, reversing the usual order of things. Sarcasm, in case you didn’t...

Elections Matter

Yes, I know. This dirty business of elections is just what Bismarck meant when he spoke of sausage making and how you'll never want to eat one again once you see...

Diaper Report 10/5/21

We live in promiscuous times - and not just sexually. People divulge - people expect others to divulge - the most personal information, as for example whether they have been "vaccinated." To...

Mile-High Bedwalls . . .

Our era is one characterized by distortions and incongruities. Like pick-up trucks with mile-high bedwalls. Well, maybe not quite a mile high. But at least six inches higher than was typical...
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