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RINOS and Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeev!

Remember when the Left opposed war? That was also back in the days when the Left supported Free Speech and Choice (but only when it comes to abortion; otherwise, it's not...

When Half Full is Almost Empty

One of the reasons why the public is beginning to become hesitant about buying into battery-powered vehicles is the disingenuous manner in which they've been presented to people. There is this ludicrous...

Diaper Report 2/7/22

After two years of insisting that "masks" - nothing particularly; an old bandana will do - "work" (notwithstanding two years' worth of evidence that they don't) all of a sudden I...

In-Car Diapering!

Apparently, you can catch WuFlu from your car. Better Diaper up! This is more than mass hysteria. It's mass Idiocracy. In just a couple of month's time, 150 million (maybe more) Americans...

The EV Enablers

Government is pushing EVs - but this push wouldn't succeed if enough people refused to be pushed. If enough people recognized the evil of this push and refrained from buying an EV,...

Driving 55, Again?

If it feels like 1974 all over again - for those who remember 1974 - just wait. Soon we may be driving like it’s 1974 again.  As in 55.  Or even slower.  Maybe...

Diaper Report: 5/7/22

There hasn't been all that much to report, lately, as far as Face Diapers - beyond the sad fact that about a fourth to a third of the general population continue...

WuFlu and Wifi?

What follows is not exactly a reader question but I think it's very worth publishing and responding to. So here it is: Paul writes: Thanks for your always insightful articles on cars...

The Rationing of Speed

Speed, it was once said, is a question of money. How fast do you want to go? The truth is, it doesn't take all that much money to go fast  . ....

AGW Threatens to Throw “Civilian” Off Bridge

Here's why you ought to be worried about Fear Mask Mandates. Armed government workers like this guy will be enforcing them. According to news coverage, a Connecticut AGW named Mathew Spina became...
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