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Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED 4/27/203

Here's the audio of this week's Wheel's Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED Radio in Oregon! We talked about the Tucker Thing as well as some other things: . ....

Two Wheeled Clovers and Amberlamps Chasers

I got an e-mail alerting me to an outfit - ostensibly, a biker outfit - that is agitating for a national "zero tolerance" standard for motorcycle riders. It is called

“Dangerous and Derogatory”

I am a bad man, apparently. A politically incorrect man, certainly. "Dangerous and derogatory," specifically. According to Goo-gul, the Internet panopticon that polices and punishes speech - especially speech critical of government...

Not Even Your Backyard is Safe From . . .Them

Robert Biel, 57, of Brevard County, Florida, is going to spend the next year in prison. He must have done something pretty bad, right? Beat someone up, maybe? Steal a car?...


After a day of trying, I've succeeded in joining Gab - EPautos is my handle. I gather that Gab controls its own servers and so isn't controlled by the rabidized Left....

Pepe Le Pew is an AGW

Gen Xers (and older) no doubt remember Pepe Le Pew, a cartoon character who was also a masher and a cad. He would paw the poor girl cat who'd had a...

Miss The Shitbox?

I miss shitboxes. They don't make them anymore - not really. Modern economy cars are not shitboxes. A shitbox is something like an '80s-era Ford Escort or - even better - a Hyundai...

Half a Century Ago

Fifty years ago, the mightiest machine ever devised by man lifted three men off this Earth; five Rocketdyne F1 engines delivering almost 8 million pounds of thrust to propel the astronauts...


A reader sent in the following, which I reprint in whole because it's wholly worth reading. For the buck-up it gave me and may give you, too: I stumbled on your site...

No More Playing by The Left’s Rules

Lucy will always pull the football away just before Charlie Brown gets close enough to kick it. That is a Peanuts life lesson many have still not learned - about the...
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