
Diaper Defiance is Spreading

In Spain, they're not only taking off their Face Diapers, they're standing up to police who are trying to enforce Face Diapering. There was a huge rally of the Undiapered in...

Brezhnev and Biden

Leonid Brezhnev, one of the last leaders of the old Soviet Union, was 75-years-old when he died in 1982 - although he looked near death for several years prior. Those old...

The Right to Resist

If  someone attacks you, it is unquestioned  that you have a right to defend yourself. If, in the process, the attacker is injured - even killed - it's fundamentally on him. Why does this maxim not...

We’re All “Drunks” Now . . .

You may not have voted for it - but they intend to give it to you. As part of what is styled the Biden Thing’s “infrastructure” plan - which has as much...

Turn Your Back This Fourth of July

In a few days, we will all have an opportunity to peacefully inflict a major psychological blow on the rapidly coalescing police state by the simple but powerful act of refusing...

One of the Costs of One Size Fits All

It's a shame the government has banned practical, affordable electric cars. This may come as a surprise to people who think government is pushing electric cars. Both statements are true - even...

Beria’s Technique… As Applied to VW

The trick is keeping your victim alive… so that the beatings can continue. That was Lavrenti Beria’s dictum. Beria was Stalin’s secret police chief, the Soviet version of Nazi Germany’s SS chief, Heinrich...

The Winnowing

Cars with engines haven't been outlawed - yet. But they are being made harder to get. If you want a new Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep or Ram truck in California - and 13...

Keeping Tabs on the (Popped?) Bubble

Has the current housing bubble - which inflated such that it apparently now costs around $400k to purchase the average home - popped? It seems to have - in my area, at...


It is wise to put aside some cash for just-in-case. Well, it was. When the economy was stable; when tens of millions of Americans weren't sick in the head - and out on...
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