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Open Letter to a Face Diaperer

It's such a small ask - wear a mask!  So say the bulletin boards along the road. So says every consolidated media outlet. So says the Hair Plugged Man. I figured it's...

What We Own . . .

It’s interesting that the only things we can say we truly own we have no legal title to. The clothes I am wearing, for instance. They are fully, meaningfully mine in that...

Thanks, Jo

This is written with the election still a toss-up between the Orange Man and the Diapering Man - the man who intends to Diaper every man, woman and child in the...

Diaper Report 12/31/21

A final report for this year - on the cusp of the new. And the news isn't good. A visit to Kroger yesterday confirms what I saw a few days prior at Earth...

An Unsightly Scene

Well, the Freaks are back. I reported a few days ago from a hot spot of sickness psychosis - Earth Fare in Roanoke, VA - that only a few mentally ill people...

No Comments, Either

I have found out something interesting I think everyone needs to know about. It's not merely my own "dangerous and derogatory" commentary which has caught the eye of sauron. Your comments as...

One Thing at a Time

If you’ve ever restored an old car or a motorcycle - a basket case that needs everything - you know the importance of focusing on one thing at a time. Because...

Elevators and EeeeeVeeeeeees

EeeeeeVeeees - especially Teslas - are very quick. But the experience is detached and anodyne. It quickly gets old. Or rather, nothing particularly exciting. The best parallel example I can summon is...

A Clover Speaks!

I received the following from a Clover: Denny writes: I'm afraid I am forced to conclude that you are either a liar or just plain stupid. You simply can't be that ignorant....

With a Clothespin Affixed to My Nose…

I just voted - not for anything, but against everything the political Left is determined to impose on everyone. From forcing everyone to tithe to the insurance mafia (or the government,...
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