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A Way to Save More Than Just One Life

Whenever a new saaaaaaaaaaaafety mandate is proposed, we’ll hear that it’s necessary and justified (no matter the cost in dollars or liberty) . . . “if it saves even one life.”...

The New Performance

If electric cars are so great, why does Porsche call its first electric car a "turbo"? Turbos are mechanical things that compress air using exhaust gas pressure and stuff it into an...

The Big Lie – and the Small Truth

It’s not the Big Lie that succeeds. It is the small kernel of truth that makes the lie succeed. Consider the ‘Rona. A small kernel of truth - some people were getting sick...

Stopping the Spread

How do we cure Sickness Psychosis? We don’t. But each of us can act individually- and that becomes a compounding and cumulative thing of eventually great power, in the manner of rain...

The Face Diapering of Cars

The day may come when it is illegal to work on your own car, in your own driveway - even in your own garage. It already is in Sacramento, CA. A law was...

Expect More . . . And then, Less

If you had any doubts about what this is all about, here's a news item to dispel them: The Biden Thing has just decreed that truck drivers coming from Mexico - and...

Checkpoints and “Papers” for Us – But Not For Illegals

There are many ways to gauge the ugly truth that the - not "our" - government is at war with the people - the citizens - of the United States, the...

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Insurance… Only YOU Do

A few weeks ago, a deer hit my truck. Might as well have been a government worker in a city-owned vehicle. Reason? Neither have to pay to repair the damage they caused. No doubt...

The Half-Truths About EVs

One of the most effective ways to spread a lie is to tell a partial truth. As for example that people were getting sick a couple of years ago. That truth...

Diaper Report 2/19/22

It is no longer necessary to mandate “masks.” Millions wear them willingly. Some will probably never take them off.  It does not matter to these people that everything us misinformationists said over...
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