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“Mobility Leadership”

Michigan was once the home of the automobile industry. It is now the home of "mobility leadership," as it is styled by its current governor, Gretchen Whitmer. What is meant by that, of...

Return of the Archons

When one joins a gym one generally signs a waiver of responsibility document that says you agree it’s not the gym’s fault if you have a heart attack while working out...

9/11 Questions…

There are many entirely legitimate questions about what happened on 9/11 left unanswered: * Why is there no video of the plane that hit the Pentagon? That area (I lived there, so...

Talk vs. Fail

A sound way to judge a person is by his deeds - as opposed to his words. By this standard, Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, has acted in a way...

A Way to Save More Than Just One Life

Whenever a new saaaaaaaaaaaafety mandate is proposed, we’ll hear that it’s necessary and justified (no matter the cost in dollars or liberty) . . . “if it saves even one life.”...

Acting vs. Talking

There is one clear difference between Leftists (they style themselves "Democrats") and Republicans  - who often style themselves "conservatives," though of what, exactly, it is hard to divine. And this difference is...

The Big Lie – and the Small Truth

It’s not the Big Lie that succeeds. It is the small kernel of truth that makes the lie succeed. Consider the ‘Rona. A small kernel of truth - some people were getting sick...

The New Performance

If electric cars are so great, why does Porsche call its first electric car a "turbo"? Turbos are mechanical things that compress air using exhaust gas pressure and stuff it into an...

Stopping the Spread

How do we cure Sickness Psychosis? We don’t. But each of us can act individually- and that becomes a compounding and cumulative thing of eventually great power, in the manner of rain...

Checkpoints and “Papers” for Us – But Not For Illegals

There are many ways to gauge the ugly truth that the - not "our" - government is at war with the people - the citizens - of the United States, the...
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