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Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED Oregon 3/4/20

Here's the audio of yesterday's chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon!   . . . Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or anything else? Click on the...

Blown Away . . . for Not Complying

In addition to "officer safety," another de facto capital offense in this country is "failure to comply." This past fall, a Northern Virginia man named Bijan Ghaisar was executed by armed government...

What About The Children?

A child just died - but not because of the 'Rona. Essentially no children have died because of the 'Rona. But a 15-year-old Colorado boy just died from the "cure." Which apparently...

In Sickness We Trust

The possibility that anyone might get sick is now an intolerable prospect to the pathologically sick - the useful idiot hypochondriacs - and the Sickness Lenins who are using these weaponized...


You have probably heard of AAA. You may never have heard of the NMA. The former is the American Automobile Association. The latter is the National Motorists Association. In italics to emphasize...

AGW Cold-Cocks Victim

Surveillance camera footage has emerged depicting the truth about a vicious cold-cocking that occurred in Texas recently - and was denied, absolutely - until the video evidence established the deniers were...

Latest Radio: David Knight Show 11/22/2023

Here's the audio (and maybe, video - if it loads!) of yesterday's talk with David Knight, host of Real News With David Knight. We talked about the pushing of EVs, which...

Double-Diapered Meltdown, Almost

Here's proof that mass resistance works. A large number of sane people gathered socially - and sans the Holy Rag - to watch the Super Bowl and participate in normal life, by...

Thanksgiving Best Wishes – And a Forgotten Lesson

Well, I'm a day late with this - but I wanted to extend my best wishes to everyone for the Thanksgiving holiday. Which holiday, as I'm sure most of the veterans...

The Worst Thing You Can Say in Modern America…

I don't "support the troops." But of course it's not really  the troops  we're constantly pressured to express unconditional, unquestioning - even fawning - support for at nearly every turn. "The troops" really...
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