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California’s Deciders

California’s deciders want to ban everyone’s cars. If we’re talking about cars that aren’t - cough -  “zero emissions” electric cars. The state’s Chief Decider - Gauleiter und OberGesundheitsFuhrer Gavin Newsome -...

Tankless Marines?

I know a former Marine officer who knows other Marines. This former Marine had an interesting conversation with some of his active-duty Marine friends and relayed some of what was said...

How the Tea Party Became the Republican Party

Remember two years ago? In the year preceding the election of Obama, there was a massive and genuinely grassroots movement against both entrenched wings of the federal crime syndicate (as Lew Rockwell...


It is wise to put aside some cash for just-in-case. Well, it was. When the economy was stable; when tens of millions of Americans weren't sick in the head - and out on...

Ralph Returns

Evidence that only the good die young is the fact that Ralph Nader is still alive. The 86-year-old “consumer safety advocate” who advocates for what he thinks “consumers” (ugly term, suggestive...

“Less Government” Republicans… Not

You expect sickly, smothering statism from liberal Democrats (well, ok, Democrats in general). It's their stated policy, after all. At least give them credit for being above board about it. But...

Double-Diapered Meltdown, Almost

Here's proof that mass resistance works. A large number of sane people gathered socially - and sans the Holy Rag - to watch the Super Bowl and participate in normal life, by...

Diaper Report: 7/16/21

Since the Diapers are coming back on, it's time for the gloves - so to speak - to come off. No more pandering to the feelings of the deranged. Let them...

The EV as a Tool of Class Oppression

It's interesting that the pushing of EVs comes from the Left. Didn't the Left used to rail about the rich oppressing the average person? The worker? Well, how does the EV not...

Drop Top Tesla . . . Literally

One of Tesla’s biggest problems isn’t range - or recharge times. It’s build quality. Leaving aside what propels a Tesla, how Teslas are put together is shameful. As evidenced by one coming...
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