
Tickets/Driving Stuff

Anything related to speeding tickets, driving & stuff like that.

Reading Cars

You’ve probably heard about reading people. About picking up on subtle cues, such as eye movements and body language, that convey info about a person’s intentions. It’s also possible to read...

Don’t “Speed” – It’s Now Officially a Capital Offense

Don't dare "speed" - or run your car with a headlight burned out. The "highest court in the land" has ruled it's a capital offense. That's right. Summary roadside execution by cop...

Viewed from the Proper Angle

Speed limits are as much about saaaaaaaaafety as George W. Bush's invasion of Poland - whoops, Iraq - was about (beady-eyed squint into the camera) "weapons of mass destruction." This is easily...

It Had to be Dragged . ..

This is an update - a final report - about the issue I experienced with a new car (2024 Dodge Hornet) I was test driving last week. It should have been...

Avoiding Sharks

We are told - lectured - about the dangers of being an armed government worker (AGW). This is like the shark complaining about the danger posed by the scuba diver. About 1,000...

Cosseted Cavemen

The Titanic could have used more lifeboats. A current cruise liner, laser welded and multiply redundant, could probably do without any -  because sinking is improbable and help isn’t hours away in...

North Carolina’s Cloverific Temper Tantrum

Clovers like ALL CAPS. It is their way of temper-tantruming. Invariably, when their most sacred totem - THE LAW - is scoffed. North Carolina has gone full Clover. Speed limits WILL be obeyed,...

Clovers Ed

As a rule, poor drivers aren't born. They are made. The other day, I came upon one such in process. She (as it happened) was obstructing five or six cars, all bunched up...

DMV “points” for non-moving violations?

Many drivers are unaware that state DMVs now assign "points" for more than just moving violations. In Virginia and Maryland, for example one can get points - as well as a beefy...

Ditch Your Car . . .

Something else which would have been thought impossible once upon a time - like having to allow a government worker to stick his hands down your pants in order to be...
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