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Going for a Swim

Just before the Titanic went under, the rear end went up higher - possibly giving those in that end of the ship a false sense of buoyancy. Those who leased a...

The Cost of “Covering” EeeeeeeeVeeeees

One of the reasons why forcing people to buy insurance is a wrongful thing is that it forces them to pay higher rates to offset the losses incurred by others. Who...

Presumptive Idiots

There was a time - it wasn't long ago - when you could reach into your car through the open driver's side window, turn the ignition key and start the engine....

The New RoboCop Car

If you're old enough - or just like old movies - you'll get a deja vu kick (in the head) when you read about the new Carbon Cop Car, the E7....

Even 900 Miles of Range is not Enough

If an EV could go say 900 miles on a charge, as is supposedly in the works and just around the next corner, that would supposedly allay what is styled by...

Idaho AGW Rapes Cancer Patient

An armed government worker named Scott McMikle has just been arrested for the serial rape of a woman bedridden with breast cancer. The attacks took place over a decade ago. According to prosecutor...

Diaper Report 3/25/22

How long before they start wearing Face Diapers resplendent in the gold and blue colors of Keeeeeev! (well, of Ukraine)? The Diapered - the Jabbed - are especially stalwart in their “standing”...

The End Has a Date

The story goes that when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon river with his legions and headed into Rome - something forbidden by the Republic - it signaled the end of the...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED 1/6/22

Here's the audio of my weekly chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED Radio in occupied Oregon! . . . Got a question about cars, bikes, or Sickness Psychosis? Click on the...

WuFlu Will Never End

The problem with WuFlu is that it won't end with WuFlu. Ordinary flu - and the threat it presents to granny - will become the justification for "locking down" the country,...
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