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Changing of Our Guards

This weekend we celebrate the changing of our guard. Which, when you stop to think about it, is more than a little odd. Do the inmates of Rikers Island throw a party...

Cancelling Aging Air Bags

Wrongthinkful people are being canceled left and right - mostly by the left - for hurting the feelings of the left. Air bags sometime cancel lives, whether you're on the left...

The Mafia is Disappointed . . . in Millennials!

The insurance mafia just conceded the obvious - that sssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety systems are dangerous - and then faulted people for disabling them. A PSA created by the Liberty Mutual “family” - listen to...

California Risin’

The South will probably not rise again - but California might, for the same reasons. And if it does, maybe the right thing to do, this time, would be to let...

What Goes Up . . .

Tesla got a lot of press recently for lowering the asking prices of its electric cars. The first time this has happened. It was touted as a sign that the cost...

Missing Crappy Small Cars?

Anyone else miss underpowered, stripped-down, fast-rusting, blown-into-the-next-lane-by-passing-semis Shitboxes? They don't make them anymore - not really. There are economy cars, of course. But these are of a different species, much evolved from their...

Pepe Le Pew and the Electric Car

Let’s talk about the upsides of electric vehicles . . . or at least, try to. It’d be much easier to do so if electric vehicles weren’t being forced on us with...

The Reopening Moo

Will you Moooo like a good Corona Cow when the ranchers who are "the government" decree that businesses may reopen provided the workers - and customers - mask up? The ranchers have...

But Why Aren’t People Buying Electric Cars?

Trump is ascendant not because he’s a freedom jouster but because the people are exasperated with a clueless (and contemptuous of them) party apparat that for years has been trotting out...

The Electric Obamaphone

Elon just admitted something which is getting very little coverage - and no explanation. He announced that Tesla will no longer be selling the "affordable" $35,000 Model 3 he promised would be...
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