
Tickets/Driving Stuff

Anything related to speeding tickets, driving & stuff like that.

The Dashboard Mother-in-Law

Who needs a mother-in-law along for the ride when she's built into the dashboard!  Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety!  

The Same Clover All Over!

Here's another video of the same Clover I video'd slow-moving (and impeding) three days ago! Holy Matrix, Batman! . . . Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or anything else? Click...

Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety First! . . . Again

If you've ever wondered why it was so easy to get so many people to Stay Home - and "mask up" - when ordered to by government Safety Nannies, go for...

The Origins of Safetyism

Why the seemingly sudden obsession with "safety"? Placed within air fingers quotation marks because it's not really about safety - in the sense of reasonable aversion to excessive and unnecessary risk....

Airstream Clover

Ah, the Airstream Clover... aka the RV Clover. This is the Clover who loves to drive an oversized, underpowered house on wheels that struggles to keep moving on the mildest incline. If the rig can't...

Perfect Isn’t Necessarily Better

The fact that a thing can be done doesn’t necessarily mean it ought to be be done. Even if it can be done "better." Put another way, functionality isn’t everything. If it were,...

Two Wheeled Clover!

Not all Clovers slow-poke on four wheels! Here's one on two - gimping down one of the best series of S curves in southwest Virginia at about 22 MPH... the speed...

Won’t Pull Forward Clover

Here's some footage of the Won't Pull Forward Clover. This is the Clover who, when approaching a red light (or sidling into a turn lane at an intersection) leaves a huge gap...

Park Pork and Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety!

Some parents treat their kids like veal calves - never letting them go outside because it might not be "safe." At least those parents usually mean well - and they are...

Slow’s the Word

What is the common denominator that accounts for almost all bad driving? It is arguably the passivity-fearfulness that’s been drilled into so many American drivers - who were taught that “good...
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